Trademark & Copyright Services


  • Trademark Search and Analysis: Conduct searches to ensure the availability of trademarks and analyze potential conflicts.
  • Trademark Registration: File and manage trademark applications to protect brand names, logos, and slogans.
  • Trademark Enforcement: Monitor and enforce trademark rights against counterfeiting and other types of infringement in the market generally.
  • Copyright Registration: Register copyrights for software code, datasets, training materials, artistic works, and documentation.
  • Web-3 Registration and Protection: Assisting with the registration of copyrights, particularly for digital content like NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), smart contracts, and other blockchain-based creations.
  • Licensing Agreements: Draft and negotiate licenses for use of copyrighted materials, including software, datasets, and artistic works.
  • Copyright Advisory: Advice on copyrightability and potential infringement, and related strategic legal advisory.
  • Digital Rights Management (DRM): Advising on systems to control the use of digital content and prevent unauthorized use.


  • Licensing and technology transactions
  • License negotiation